Let's Shape Shift Your Marketing (Together)

Have you ever launched an idea, program or event, pressed the launch button and then… Crickets. Nothing?! OR were you about to launch, but never got there? Fear or perfection paralysis held you up.

These are the moments the f word was invented for.

Most entrepreneurs like us – I used to be guilty of this all the time – take crickets as a sign that the idea was bad. 

And because, as business owners, we’re used to pivoting & adapting, we write it all off as a fail, shake off the COA (committee of assholes in our head), pour a cup of coffee and get to the work of changing directions to a different idea, program or event. 

It’s the #likeaboss 💪 mentality, right?

Here’s the reality. Chances are, your idea didn’t fail. Your marketing did. And that’s okay. You can’t be expected to be the master of your craft and of the marketing too.

Here’s what really happened:

I just want you to know, that if I can launch an event series and a non profit from a hospital bed (long story – all better now, and yes, corporate lawyers will come to your hospital bedside!)…you can launch or grow a product/brand/event you believe in, from your desk, or home. But this time, you’ll have little bit of help from someone who loves your brand as much as you do.

You can master the things that got missed the first time because you’ll be SO ready. You’ll know your numbers (marketing math completes me), your audience triggers, you’ll create social proof of your expertise, you’ll polish your product, you’ll run ad campaigns that bring in more than you spend, you’ll get guest spots on podcasts and workshops, and you’ll uncover new revenue opportunities. 

Shape Shifting is 30 days of one-to-one all-things-marketing sessions
that make all the difference between ideas that fizzle or die, and ideas that launch with community, 
strategy, social proof, ads that land, and profits that make you want to do it again.
#alwaysbelaunching (ABL)