Have you ever launched an idea, program or event, pressed the launch button and then… Crickets. Nothing?! OR were you about to launch, but never got there? Fear or perfection paralysis held you up.
These are the moments the f word was invented for.
Most entrepreneurs like us – I used to be guilty of this all the time – take crickets as a sign that the idea was bad.
And because, as business owners, we’re used to pivoting & adapting, we write it all off as a fail, shake off the COA (committee of assholes in our head), pour a cup of coffee and get to the work of changing directions to a different idea, program or event.
It’s the #likeaboss 💪 mentality, right?
Here’s the reality. Chances are, your idea didn’t fail. Your marketing did. And that’s okay. You can’t be expected to be the master of your craft and of the marketing too.