Let’s do launch sometime…
I see you. The Entrepreneur who just wants to do your thing, what you’re put on this earth to do but you need your marketing to work for you if that’s ever going to happen.
You’ve put your heart and best work (and too many hours to count) into a product/program/event/idea that you KNOW can change people’s lives, but when you pressed the launch button… Crickets. Not enough response, sales or engagement to make it worth all the time and resources you’ve invested.
Cue your COA (Committee Of Assholes) as they tell you you it must be your fault, that you created a crappy product or you’re somehow not good enough.
Frustrating is just one f word that comes to mind.
I’m willing to bet that your idea/product/brand is NOT crappy. And that the people who would’ve loved you, didn’t even have the chance to buy in.
99% of the time, amazing ideas die on the table because they didn’t land in front of the people who would actually love, enroll and buy into what you’ve created. Key marketing steps, triggers, sales and launch techniques were lost in the mix….
You can do this. And I can help. Because that’s my thing, the one I was put on this earth to do.
SHAPE SHIFTING SESSIONS are booking now for 2021. One to one. Marketing coaching and DFY services. Marketing Math. Sales triggers. Messaging. Design audits. A mix of strategy, spreadsheets and sarcasm. Zoom. Coffee. Laughs. Rants. Results.
Thinking about it? Email me. message me on Facebook. set up a brainstorming session via my Calendly.